Tuesday, July 26, 2022

"Kerouac's Madness, Ginsberg's Clair De Lune" (Thom P. Miller, 2022)- Si...


TPM said...

The night sky was cloudy, all brilliance gone,
Dull was the sunset, dull was the dawn.
Sitting with Ginsberg and all of the boys,
He stood and proclaimed over all of the noise:
“Follow your inner moonlight, Follow your Clair de Lune.”

Well it’s me and the headlights in a desert so black,
A ’49 Hudson and Jack Kerouac.
We ate our lunch naked, then waltzed down the street,
The drummer was madness, we danced to the beat.
“Follow your inner moonlight, Follow your Clair de Lune.”

One time I got on the moon’s nasty side.
A moral eclipse with no place to hide.
I felt so alone as if I was dreaming,
I woke in a fog and I heard myself screaming:
“Hey, who took my inner moonlight? Hey, who took my Clair de Lune?”

Then I saw a man, some would call him a saint.
In a world full of trouble, he voiced no complaint.
He raised up his arms to a world full of doubt;
He looked to the sky, and I heard him shout:
“Let us proclaim the mystery of faith."
And "Follow your inner moonlight, follow your Clair de Lune.”

TPM said...
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